Friday, September 6, 2013

Small, Powerful Adjustments In Life

"Just Because You Think Something Is Some Way, It Doesn't Make It Right."-BDN

This week I decided to put a little something to the test. You see, in recent weeks I have realized that I've been a tad malnourished. No, I am not talking about being physically malnourished. Rather, I speak of being spiritually malnourished. I noticed that I had been slacking in reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, having charity for others, etc.

However, even when I was doing those important acts of faith, I recognized something pretty disturbing...I honestly hadn't felt the Spirit in church for quite some time. I was at church physically, and I feel like I learned  a thing or two every week. But I wasn't feeling anything. I felt empty, and so as soon as I returned from my vacation to Washington and Indiana I decided it was time to turn my life around.

It didn't take long for me to realize what was preventing me from feeling the Spirit. I knew immediately that my iPhone was the root of the problem. Now, I am not saying that phones are evil and no one should use them in church. I recognize that they can be effective (for scriptures, talks, lessons, etc.) if used properly. But I also recognize that they can be very distracting. For some, they are more effective than distracting while for others it is the opposite. Unfortunately for me, I fall under the category of people who get way too distracted when I have the World Wide Web at the very tip of my fingers.

Even more unfortunate was that I was allowing something as small and dumb as a phone to prevent me from feeling the Spirit at church. But earlier this week I wasn't so convinced. I thought to myself, "Well, it can't just be because of a phone. Maybe I need to pray harder for the Spirit?" I quickly laughed at myself because deep down inside I knew it was a big problem. I was just being prideful and making up excuses to justify my actions.

However, while I was sitting in my car on Sunday, about to get out and go into the church, I decided to put it to the test. I put my phone into the glove compartment of my car, picked up my "hard copy" of the scriptures, and walked into the church phone-less. And boy, did it work wonders!! I felt the Spirit strongly in all three hours of church, but especially during fast and testimony meeting. There were no distractions, and I could finally give the Lord my full attention during the meetings.

Since then, I have been to two institute classes, and I decided to put it to the test again. I went to both classes phone-less. Same results. Amazing!

My purpose in writing this is not to say that electronics shouldn't be allowed in church. I have no doubt that they can be used effectively. My purpose in writing this is to explain the powerful lesson that I have learned this week. That lesson is this: Each and everyone of us probably has adjustments that need to be made in our lives in order to better feel the Spirit in our lives. They may be small adjustments like stopping to bring your phone to church with you, but they are powerful adjustments. And I am a witness that it's worth it to make these adjustments.

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