Late last night, Provo finally filled me in on my decision: declined.
Ever since I was in middle school, I've always dreamed of going to BYU for college. When I hit high school, I wanted to go even more.
And while this is a very sad thing for me, I realize that I could have worked harder and it's really no one's fault but mine that I am not happy about Provo's decision.
With that--I am glad to finally know where I will be going after my mission, and it'll be nice to finally get back to BYU-Idaho to let them know that I will be attending their school.
the good news is,.. it's still BYU,..! :) I've heard good things about BYUI and you will have a good time there and a good educational experience. :) I'm excited for you it will be great! :)
sorry you didn't get provo. :( but you really are going to have a good time at BYUI and it will still be good. Congratulations on going to a great school!
I am sorry Ben. You can always go to UNR, I liked UNR better then BYU anyway ;). Don't lose hope on going to BYU you may be able to transfer there after like a year at another school.
that's what skittles did. got 30 credits and transferred. something like that.
Yeah, definitely don't give up on your dream, if that's what it still is. But you might realize after getting there that you really want to be in Idaho instead. Are Matt and Cynthia still going to be around when you go? That would be super fun!
YES!!!! You shall be joining us! You'll love Rexburg... other than the weather! haha
I think it is a shame that they give the ACT so much weight, you know that your grades were good enough, it will be their loss, but like everyone else said you can get there if you really want too, maybe you could do what Skyler did and still transfer shortly after your mission
you know there's one more option I can think of. Take this time to improve your ACT score if that was the only problem. and apply for winter semester. I know a lot of people that get in winter semester that never got in fall semester. not as many people apply I think.
jenny davis is one that comes to mind.
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