Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last MTC E-mail

Dear All,

Wow. I can't believe this is it. A week from now, I will be in Chile. Surrounded by the fastest Spanish speakers in the world. :) It's a bit nerve-racking, I will admit. But I've come this far, and I'm ready for the next challenge. I am excited to struggle down in Chile. :)

Last Wednesday/Thursday (I can't remember which--that happens a lot here in the MTC) we got out travel plans, and that was another highlight of the MTC. Our district celebrated, took pictures, and all that stuff. It was a great time. :) We are excited! I fly out to Dallas at 3 PM on Monday; and then I leave Dallas at 9 PM, arriving in Chile around 9 AM or so. ;) Sounds fun, eh?

Just like Hermano Cragun, Hermano Shulca returned from his Christmas trip (to Ecuador, where he is from; he hadn't been there to see his family in SIX years) last Friday. We knew he was coming back, of course, and he was district-hugged/swarmed when he walked in. It was good to finally have our teacher back! He told us all about Ecuador, and now I am really excited to go to South America.

The TRC this last week was a funny one. We were teaching this lady who pretty much would only speak Spanish to us. She said something to me, and I had NO idea what she was saying. So I said, "Lo siento. Mi espanol no es bueno." She then said something about Paraguay and Ecuador, and I still had no idea what she was saying so I said, "Si!" teacher Hermano Ross told me that he talked to this lady later and she said, "Poor Elder Nelson! He is SO sad to go on his mission to Paraguay. You need to teach him better and get him more excited!" The irony, of course, is that I am super excited to get to Chile. :)

My good friend Jeffrey Johnson got here a week ago, and it's been great to see him around the MTC the last week. :) He is going to Mississippi, and I've told him and his district how much they will love it.

God definitely has a sense of humor. :) Here in the MTC, everyone has to write a talk on a topic that the branch presidency gives you. And then in sacrament meeting, they will just randomly select two elders/sisters and have them speak. Well, before Hermano Nelson got up and said who was going to speak, I turned to my good friend Elder Mallory and said, "If I have to speak today, I am going to beat someone up." Well, the timing was perfect! Right after I said that, I got called up! We laughed, and I gave a pretty decent talk in Espanol. :) I didn't beat anyone up either, for those wondering.

Last night, we had the privledge of hearing from L. Tom Perry again! It was the best. He gave an excellent talk. He is truly an Apostle of the Lord! He talked about what we as missionaries need to have increased testimonies in (The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, etc). The BEST, though, was the closing prayer. When the Sister got up to say the closing prayer, everyone had their eyes closed, ready to hear a girl voice, but...nope! It was L. Tom Perry! Not giving the prayer, but he got up to make a quick correction to his talk (he gave the wrong date for when the priesthood was restored). Of course, his wife was the one who corrected him. :) It goes to show us that even Apostles of the Lord make simple mistakes and aren't perfect!

Well, I have about two minutes left, and last week I BARELY got my e-mail sent off with 2 seconds left on the clock. PHEW!

I love and miss you all. I'm going to miss this great country. :) But I am excited to get to my field of labor. Everyone, keep in touch. And rely on the Lord in ALL things. He will bless you!

Yours Truly,
Elder Nelson IV
Helaman 5:12

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