Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tengo Miedo De Los Perros Ahora :/

Dear All,

Happy Birthday, KT!!

This week flew by. But it was full of a lot of fun times and even a few trials. I have to start with the big one first. First of all, let me explain something. Here in Chile, there are TONS and TONS of stray/wild dogs. And so I made a goal to never get bit by a dog in my mission.

That goal didn´t last very long. On Saturday, Elder Mann and I were leaving a lesson, and we turned a corner. As we did so, five dogs started barking and followed us. That happens a lot, and so I figured they would just follow us and bark at us. No problem. But nope--they attacked us! We started to run, but...sadly...the dogs got to me. And so yes--I almost got eaten alive by dogs. But the Lord was protecting me, of course, and so it wasn´t as bad as it could have been. To make a long story short, I went back to the apartment with ripped pants and a big chunk of my bottom missing. Yes, I got bit pretty bad on my behind. :/ Haha. I bled pretty good, but...I know it could have been a whole lot worse! And chances are, I am going to be getting some shots and what not. But yeah--it wasn´t fun, and now I actually get scared of dogs for the first time in my life. :/

I went on intercambios with Elder Yost a few days ago, and it was really fun. (See the pictures I have uploaded.) It was fun because I am actually older than him in the mission, and so it was fun to be in charge and to do all the talking. Haha. However, we ended the night unpleasently when we ran into these girls who spoke both English and Spanish. I have never been so frustrated in my life! First, they tried to talk us into coming into their apartment. I told them we couldn´t unless their was another man in there. They tried to lie to me and say there was, HAHA, but I didn´t fall for it. And so we just talked to them outside. And the part that frustrated me was that they were mocking God, our religion, etc. They said some really unpleasant things to Elder Yost and I in Spanglish, and I was just getting mad. Haha. I testified that the only way to know the truth was to ask God. And then one of them laughed and said something like, "You´re telling me that YOU can talk to God?" (Dumb stuff like that.) I told them about prayer and how we can receive answers from God and that God couldn´t lie to us. One of the girls kept asking us dumb questions that didn´t matter, and so we eventually just left them with a pamphlet and called it a night. But yeah--for the first time in my mission--I actually got really frustrated with people. Haha. But...despite all their mocking and talking, I never felt so proud to be a member of the true church of Jesus Christ! My testimony has definitely been my strength here in the mission.

But yeah--it was a good, fun week full of lots of adventures. Manuela attended church again, and she will be baptized for sure May 8. :) We are excited for that!

Well, I am sorry this is so short, but I need to send off one more e-mail after this one, and I only have four minutes left. I love you all, and I know this Gospel is true. The mission has its ups and downs, but sometimes the downs are the greatest parts. :) It´s been an adventure thus far! I look forward to hearing from every one next week!

Yours Truly,
Elder Nelson IV
D&C 122:7

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