Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"I Am A Man Of Memories"

Dear All,

President Thomas S. Monson has said numerous times that he is a "man of memories." And he truly is! The Prophet and the Apostles are great because they teach us so much by sharing personal stories/memories with us. For example, I learned a lot from Elder Scott yesterday as he talked about his wife and the memories that he has from her. How sincere! How powerful!

I, too, am a man of memories. As Elder Gasik and I continue to work together, I am reminded of old memories of the MTC as we talk about his MTC experience. I am reminded of old memories of my first few transfers of the mission as I see him struggle in his first six weeks in the mission field. We learn a lot during that phase of the mission. I'll never forget such memories. I remember being interviewed by Brother Jensen in the MTC a few weeks before making my way here to Chilé. Brother Jensen and I had many spiritual, powerful interviews together, and my interview before coming to Chilé was no exception. We talked of many things--many things of which I have forgotten. But I'll NEVER forget the part of the conversation when Brother Jensen asked, "Elder, how is your family? Have they been writing you?" I told him that my family was great and that I had heard from them often since arriving to the MTC. I then proceeded to tell him about my Dad's mission journal entries that my Dad had been sending me and how they always comforted me in times of struggle. I remember TRYING to fight back the tears, but again--like many interviews with Brother Jensen--I started to shed a few tears. Brother Jensen cried with me. And through his tears, he told me, "Elder. I can tell that you've been blessed with a great father. Follow his example." Such interviews with Brother Jensen NEVER failed to calm my fears. Leaving my family behind was perhaps the hardest struggle of all for me. As well as it must be for almost all of us missionaries! But I NOW know that we're protected as missionaries. I NOW know that our families are blessed for our work and diligence in the field. We truly are blessed! I know that because of mortal angels such as Brother Jensen. And I am constantly reminded of it as I think of other mortal angels such as our mission president President Gillespie and ALL the companions that I have had in the mission and who have blessed me and helped me during my mission.

It was a great week. We have a new hero named Hermano (Brother) Salazar. Hermano Salazar is an 87-year-old member who acompanies us EVERY week. Sometimes once, sometimes twice. He was a released as the Bishop in 2009 at the age of 85. When we walk in the streets with him, I often catch him walking even faster than us! He's great. We had a powerful experience the other day after going out with him. I asked him if there was anything that we could do for him. He said, "Can you pray for me?" I told him that of course we could! He then told us something that we will never forget. He shared with us his main goal in life right now. He explained to us that he's on a search for a wife (his wife passed away many years ago). And after he gets married he wants to serve a mission with his wife! I couldn't believe it. At the age of 87 he has THAT goal! What a great example to us all. We love him.

All is well. We're excited for a new week with new challenges and new successes. :)

I love you all. Forgive me if my e-mail is all over the place this week. But just know that we are working hard, and we're giving it our all.

Until next week, then!

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV

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