Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Small List of Gratitude

My original plan was to write a blog post like this on Thanksgiving, but I realized today that I will be far too busy hanging out with my little brothers to have time to write a blog post on Thanksgiving. So I decided that I would go ahead and do it today since I am off to Las Vegas tomorrow!

I am grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel it appropriate that my gratitude begin with what I am most grateful for. I simply cannot imagine where I would be in my life without the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My testimony of the Gospel is sometimes hard for me to express because for me words simply don't do my feelings justice. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been my anchor in the worst of times, and I know that that pattern will continue throughout the rest of my life. I am not the brightest person and there is a lot I don't know, but I do know that Christ is my Savior. I know that He established His Gospel to provide a way for us to be truly happy. I know that if we follow Him, we will be blessed infinitely. I have a very strong testimony of God's plan, and I know that we can live in a state of never ending happiness with our families as long as we follow this perfect example and Gospel that Christ established for us.

I am grateful for my parents. I love my parents; I always have, and I always will. I mean no disrespect to them when I say that they are far from perfect. And I won't even go far enough to say that they are "the best parents ever" because I know they've made a lot of mistakes as parents. BUT they were and continue to be the best parents for me; I know that my mom and my dad are my parents for a reason. I know that's true because I look back on a lot of the things they taught me. I look back on a lot of those mistakes they made. I look back on all of that, and I just think, "Wow. My parents may not realize it, but they taught me so much by saying that" or "Wow. My parents made that mistake, but I'll take note of that so I am never put in the same situation." Again, my parents are far from perfect; but I think that is why I love them so much.

I am grateful to be the fifth of eight children. Man, I am grateful for my siblings more than I think anyone will ever be able to comprehend. I am grateful that I was one of the middle children, because it has given me the chance to really get to know all seven of them really well. I would say something awesome about each one of them, but man, words wouldn't do my feelings justice for this either. But I will say that I am beyond blessed to have my older siblings; they've helped me by setting an example. All four of them have been the best examples of what it means to progress and live righteously. I am blessed to have my three little brothers because each of them have taught me valuable life lessons. Like my parents, my siblings are far from perfect, and they've made mistakes. But I love them so much, and I am honored to call all seven of them my best friends.

I am grateful for technology. I wasn't aware of my gratefulness for technology until after my mission when it was so easy--and continues to be so easy--to keep in contact with the Chilean people that I got to know so well. This year, I've gained an even greater appreciation for technology since my older siblings and I are literally able to text message each other every day in a group chat on our iPhones. It is an awesome thing to be able to communicate with people with today's technology--even if they are on the other side of the world.

I am grateful for my mission. I won't go as far as to say that my mission was the best two years of my life. Heck, when people say that I kind of feel sorry for them because I feel that life should only get better after the mission. I can't speak for all returned missionaries, but I definitely feel that my life has only gotten better since. And the reason is simple: While the mission weren't the best two years OF my life, I am fully convinced that the two years of my mission were the best two years FOR my life. My mission taught me so much about how to love people. It taught me how to be self-reliant. It taught me to never give up. The list goes on and on. Now, I will admit that I haven't been perfect about applying these lessons to my life. I will even admit that I wasn't the greatest missionary. But I will also admit that I have no regrets because the mission taught me so much, and it continues to do so as I often ponder the experiences I had while serving.

I am grateful for my job. I had tithing settlement today at church, and man, it made me think of how grateful I am to have a job. Sure, I don't make a lot of money nor is it the ideal job. But I am grateful for the opportunity I have every morning to wake up at 3:30 AM to go and make some money to purchase the things necessary to live. 

I am grateful for my friends. I am grateful for all the good people who have befriended me throughout my life. I feel that I am a pretty awkward person when people first meet me, and I don't always give the best first impression. But man, I am grateful for all the people who have given me a chance by becoming my friends.

I am grateful for food. On a less serious note, I just want to say that I am grateful for all the delicious food in the world. Here in Rexburg, Costa Vida has been especially good to me. I am grateful for all those who provide that food.

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