Sunday, August 23, 2009

Operation: Elder Benjamin David Nelson (Part 9): The Power of Prayer and Holding To The Iron Rod, My Testimony

Overall, this last week was awesome.

It was rough at first because I knew Tara was leaving on Thursday, and it was sad to realize that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday would be my last days with her until Fall 2011/Winter 2012. However, we spent all the time that we could together, and I helped her prepare for her trip.

Tara wanted a blessing before she left, and so I was able to give her that blessing Wednesday night. Taking her to the airport and saying goodbye was tough! But we both managed to stay dry-eyed. (And for those wondering...Tara is doing well in Arkansas. Even though she is attending what I believe is a Catholic Unversity, she found an LDS student who was able to give her a ride to church today! Awesome stuff.)

Matt left for Indiana on Wednesday night, and I was sad that I didn't get to say bye to him. I was also sad that Matt and I couldn't work out a date where we could both make the trip together. It was pretty disappointing, but I know Matt and KT are having a good time together.

Despite all the sadness and disappointment I felt earlier this week, this week--like I said before--was awesome, thanks to the experiences I had the last few days. I had the chance to spend some good, quality time with Timmy and our friends on Friday and Saturday, and I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. It wasn't only a good heart-lifter for me, but for Timmy as well. He definitely deserved to go out there and have some fun, especially since he will be starting school tomorrow.

The thing that made this weekend special and worth it, however, was Dalton's baptism. Dalton is a nine-year-old boy who lives next-door to us. He is part of a less-active family and has been meeting with the missionaries the last few months. While doing so, Dalton has reminded his family what the Gospel is all about and they are now active in the church again. It was awesome to witness his baptism and to help the missionaries out with the baptism! Today in church, my Dad and I helped with Dalton's confirmation, and the Spirit was so strong. I loved it.

Also, last night, I had an awesome experience that definitely built up my testimony of prayer and scripture study. I am not quite sure if it is really an experience I should share, but I am going to anyways because I know that everyone who reads my blog is part of my family and you'd love to hear what I have to say. :)

Well, toward the end of the night, I was really not in a good mood and the Spirit was not with me. And I've reached the point where I really hate not being able to feel the Spirit; and so I got on my knees and started praying to Heavenly Father. I prayed for a good ten-or-so minutes, telling Heavenly Father what was on my mind, including all the things I was going through.

I have been reading a Mission Prep book, and one thing I read was to listen after you are done praying. And so after I was done with my prayer, I stayed on my knees for another few minutes, listening.

I will not go into too many details on what happened next, but I basically received all the answers I needed. I could hear a very calm voice whisper to me, telling me to open my scriptures and to read them. The chapter I opened to was Mosiah 4, and that chapter included all the answers I was looking for. It was amazing.

I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers and will help us if we do what He asks of us. I know that if we live our life in a way where we can always feel the Spirit, the Spirit will guide us and get us through any trial or obstacle that comes our way. The Savior Atoned for us, and I know that. If you apply His Atonement to you life and always remember Him, you will see His helping hand in your life every day, and He will bless you.

I love the Gospel, and it means more to me than anything else in this life. I love my Heavenly Father, and I am grateful to be His son.

1 comment:

Shayla said...

I always enjoy your Operation: Elder Benjamin David Nelson posts. Thanks for sharing!