Sunday, August 30, 2009

Operation: Elder Benjamin David Nelson (Part 10): No Fuzz!

Allow me to quote from my journal:

It was an okay week. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. And I am talking about my spirituality and my mission prep. when I say that.

Because--overall--it was a really fun week. I don't think I've laughed as much as I did in a long time! I spent a lot of time with Levi, Skyler, and Timmy, and it was awesome.

But I am definitely hungry for more spirituality.

It's true! Although I had a really fun week, full of a lot of great experiences with the missionary work, scripture study, and prayer, I definitely feel like I need to do better this week. I was spirituality in-tune this last week, but I definitely feel like there was still a lot of fuzz and what not to go along with my spirituality in-tuneness (good word, I know). This week, my goal is to be so in-tune that the reception is clear--no fuzz!

A little side-note: I was starting to get really impatient with myself and the Lord. November 18!? I think one reason I've had some of that fuzz is because I've been so impatient and not trusting in the Lord as much as I should be, ya know? But I had a lot of time to ponder and church today, and a thought came to my mind: "The Lord has given me two and a half more months for a reason. He wants me to use the next two months to prepare as much as I can for my mission; not so that I can sit here, prepare, AND question why I have to wait so long to leave." And then I remembered the excellent scripture Proverbs 3:5-6. That scripture helps me and motivates me to change my attitude every time I read it!!

And so I came up with a new plan for my week. Allow me to quote from my journal again:

Here are a few things I am going to change this week:

  • Temple: I MUST go back this week. I am gonna try and go 2-3 times this week to make up for the past few weeks I haven't gone.
  • Scripture Study w/ Prayer: I am actually doing really well with this, but I know my prayers can be better. And I know my scripture study can be better; 2-3 chapters per day from now on, along with consistent studying of Preach My Gospel.
  • Bike Rides (or runs) w/ Uplifting Music: I used to do this every day, and I need to do this again! Physical + Spiritual conditioning!
  • Go Out With Missionaries: I need to continue doing this like I have been, but I MUST say a prayer and ask to have the Spirit with me before I go teach with the missionaries.
  • Write Missionary Friends: This is also a must.
If I do these things, I know this week will be awesome!

Helaman 5:12


eBN said...

You know what would make you week SUPER awesome??? If you baby-sit my kids tonight.

The Watts said...

That would make my week super awesome....wish I could babysit them!