Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hace Un Año Desde El Terromoto

Dear All,

It's crazy to think that a year ago (yesterday), I was woken up to one of the strongest earthquakes in world history. It truly was a mess! I remember being so new and clueless during those next few days after the earthquake. And now as people are talking about it again--one year later--I am able to understand a little more and I am a little less clueless. :) It truly is a sad thing that happened. :/ But my thoughts and prayers go out to those people who were affected on that day one year ago.

I was taking a walk down "Memory Lane" a few days ago, and I thought back to my first week in the MTC. It was then that I met one of my greatest friends Elder Hawkes. We were both going for a walk/jog on the top floor of the MTC gym. He looked familiar, and I realized he was from my district. I've always been an awkward person when it comes to talking to random people, but I gathered up the guts to say something to Elder Hawkes. We came to the conclusion that we were from the same district, haha, and then we started talking and getting to know each other a little bit.

It was that day that I realized how blessed I really am. Elder Hawkes told me his story--how he was inactive most of his life until the age of 17. He reactivated himself in the church and then he left on the mission! Despite the fact that neither of his parents were super active. And despite the fact that his dad had been jobless for over a year. I remember he told me such things, and I just thought to myself, "Wow. What can I say to help this guy out a little bit?" I thought a little bit and then I put my arm on Elder Hawkes's shoulder and said, "Elder, your family will be blessed while you're on your mission. No worries." Elder Hawkes replied, "I know." And we've been the best of friends ever since.

And a few days ago, Elder Hawkes informed me that his Dad is completely active with a calling in the church! And he finally found a good job after not having one for over TWO years. I thought back to that first conversation that we had together, and all I can say is this: The Lord's promises ARE REAL. The Lord's blessings ARE REAL. But we just need to strive to be obediente and put our personal matters in the Lord's hands. My good friend Elder Hawkes has helped me realize that. Thank you, brother.

I had many experiences this week, too, that helped me recomfirm this truth. Elder Judd and I were working a few days ago, and we had an appointment at 6:30. It was 5:30 or so, and I just kept telling myself and my companion, "We need to find at least one new investigator and hand out at least one Book of Mormon before our appointment at 6:30." At the time, it almost seemed impossible! But I decided to be positive, and I just kept telling myself that it was possible. To my amazement, we found an 87-year-old lady who let us in her house to sing her a song and share a quick message! :) We did so, but her eye sight wasn't that great so she didn't want to take a Book of Mormon.

As we made our way up a hill to make our 6:30 appointment (around 6:00 PM), I thought, "We found the new investigator, but what about this Book of Mormon?" I said a quick prayer in my heart, and just as we reached the top of that little hill, my prayer was answered. We passed by a guy who was on his way home from work. He stopped us in the street and greeted us with a hand shake. He pointed at the Book of Mormon that my companion had in his hand, and he said, "I sure would like to have that Book!" We happily gave him the Book of Mormon and set up an appointment to teach him about the Restoration. :) As we made our way to our 6:30 appointment, my heart was full of gratitude for the success that the Lord had put in our way. We were confident that the Lord would provide as long as if we stayed postive and worked hard! And He did! :)

On Saturday, we knocked on a door and a lady came out. At first, she wasn't going to let us in. I asked her for only five minutes, and I testified that our message truly would bring happiness. She let us in! We sang her "I Am A Child Of God" and she was in tears by the end of the song. She opened up and told us that she was almost baptized years ago, but she was offended by something that one of the sister missionaries had done to her. I'll never forget what happened next. She pointed at me! And through her tears she said, "I wasn't going to open my door. But there was something about you and your sincerity that told me to open my door and let you two in." The Spirit was really strong, and she told us that she wanted to attend church! We couldn't set up a set appointment, but it was still an experience that I'll never forget because it was the first time in my mission where someone has said to my face that they noticed something different/special about me specifically.

Olfa passed her interview! :) She will be baptized this Saturday, and we are really excited for her. She's awesome. She's really excited, and she wants her kids to get baptized one day. (They're all old and grown-up.)

Last week, we went out with a member every single day! And it seems like the unity between the members and the missionaries is beginning to grow. We're happy for that. :) The Lord is truly blessing us here in Reñaca Alto. :)

I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and for your examples. Until next week!

Con Amor,
Elder Nelson IV

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