Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Me He Perdido En La Obra: Y Voy A Perderme Aun Más. :)

Dear All,

I'm sure you all heard about the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan. And then a day later, there was a bunch of tsunami alerts in a bunch of countries, including Chilé. It was another interesting experience, but I'm happy it wasn't too bad here in Chilé--especially down south where the earthquake hit last year. It's just another reminder to us all that we need to always be ready for such natural disasters! 

That reminds me of a cool story that President Gillespie told us last year shortly after the earthquake and tsunami down in Concepcion. It was a story about two missionaries who lived in a house on the coast where the tsunami was about to hit last year. Before hitting, however, these two Elders received a call from their mission president, and he told them, "No matter what happens, STAY in the house and DO NOT leave." The missionaries obeyed the mission president's order and stayed in the house. The tsunami came and caused much destruction. But miraculously...the missionaries' house was protected and the tsunami hit EVERYWHERE on the coast except for where there house was. Wow. When President Gillespie told us that, it was a great witness/testimony to me that the Lord truly DOES protect us when we are obedient--no matter the circumstance! I love that story.

We had a great last week of the change. I'm going to miss Elder Judd. He has been a great help. He's a great friend and a great elder. As we guessed, he will be transfered! He's heading to a place called "Con Con." It's actually right there on the coast! I've heard a lot of good things about the ward, and he's really excited to go to a new ward and start fresh. :) I was also very happy when I figured out today that Elder Boyd AND Elder Hawkes are coming to this zone! The greatest! We always talked in the MTC about how we would one day all be together, and now it's finally going to happen. :) We're excited.

I was surprised when I got a call from Elder Birchall last night. The conversation went a little like this:

Elder Birchall: Elder Nelson! How's it going?
Elder Nelson: Elder Birchall! Great. How are you?
Elder Birchall: I'm great. Hey, I'm calling you on behalf of the President. We have an assignment for you.
Elder Nelson: ¿En serio? (Seriously?)
Elder Birchall: Yes, Elder Nelson. We need you to train. How do you feel about that assignment?
Elder Nelson: Oh, Elder Birchall, I have a better question. How do YOU feel about being a grandpa?
[Elder Birchall and other Elders cheer and laugh.]

Haha. I accepted the assignment, of couse, and I am excited to train! But to explain a little more: Elder Birchall had me on speaker phone the whole time, and he was there with a few other Elders (Elder Hawkes, included), and they all got a big laugh out of the conversation. Elder Birchall trained me, and so he is what they call my "dad" and I am his "son." And now I'm going to train, and I will be a "dad" and I will have a "son" and my "son" will be Elder Birchall's "grandson." And that's the reason why I asked him that question and why they all laughed. :)

So I am really excited, and I am ready for the next challenge. A little nervous and anxious, but I know I'll do fine if I rely on the Spirit to guide me in the new assignment. My only hope and goal for this next transfer is to help this new missionary so that he LOVES the mission from the start! And to do that, we have to work really hard and develop a lot of unity. :)

The last few transfers I really have "lost" myself in the work. There is no greater feeling than forgetting myself and just giving the Lord all I've got. There's no greater feeling than forgetting myself by serving others. I love it! I love the mission! There is no greater place to be right now in my life. But I realize that my time here in the mission is limited, so I am going to work even harder so that I can fully enjoy these cherished moments. :)

The work is moving forth. We're going to find a lot of elect people this week, and we are going to have a lot of success. 

I have a testimony of missionary work--not only as full-time missionaries but as members and diciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. This week, we worked more with the members and we even had a few moments where the members took US to THEIR friends and neighbors. And THEY talked to their friends and extended the invitation. It really warmed my heart to see the members opening their mouths and sharing the Gospel. It truly is our responsability as members of this church--whether we are full-time missionaries or not. :)

I love you all. Thank you for your prayers and for your support. Until next week! :)

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV

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