Sunday, April 26, 2009

The iPod Miracle

Once upon a time, my iPod went corrupt after I dropped it on the floor.

I tried for many hours to fix it, but I had no luck. But then an idea came to my mind.

"I shall drop it on the floor until it works again," I told myself.

And so I dropped it the first time. It still didn't work.

I dropped it the second time; no luck.

I banged the iPod on my desk; nope.

I said a prayer in my heart as I dropped the iPod on the floor for the fourth and last time.

I connected the iPod to my computer, and all of the sudden it worked again.

"Wow," I thought. "It truly is a miracle to behold."

1 comment:

The Watts said...

Reminds me of the many times I have dropped my cell phone in the toilet and used a blowdryer to get it up and running again! It aint over till it's over!