Monday, May 17, 2010

Estamos Abriendo Las Puertas Del Reino Celestial

Dear All,

Well, here we are again in Week #6 of the transfer/change. Crazy, eh? I can´t believe how fast time flies in the mission!

I received the greatest news ever via our mission website...about two minutes ago. Haha. Manuel (my investigator) up north in La Sarena got baptized last week! It looks like Elder Dupre baptized him, and I am super excited for Manuel. Although I wasn´t there to witness the baptism, it feels good to know that I was able to teach him while I was up there. It´s the greatest! :)

Well, it was a crazy week. We are having a hard time right now finding good, solid investigators. We have four investigators with baptismal dates set, but...none of them are really keeping their commitments. Heck, none of our investigators are keeping their commitments! We had one investigator at church yesterday. But...we are going to continue working with our investigators, and we are going to continue working on finding more good, solid investigators. The best thing about it all: The work still goes forth!

But yeah--it was a crazy week with a lot of weird, crazy days. It seems like you can have two kinds of days here in the mission. Either our days are normal days with a lot of sucess or they are REALLY weird days with a lot of weird stuff that comes up. Well...we had a lot of weird days this last week. :) It all started when I went on intercambios with Elder McManamom in my area. Well, we went to a few places that I didn´t know too well, make a long story short...we spent our morning super lost. We were WAY up there on this one hill, super lost. And we finally stopped in someone´s negocio to ask them for directions, and the guy just laughed and pointed to another hill WAY the heck out there, and said, "That´s where you want to be!" We talked to the guy for a while, and that was fun because he actually said that he lived in Salt Lake for a few years back in 2000. Pretty cool! But yeah--we ended up finding where we wanted to go, and we were a good 1.5 hours late to that appointment. Oops! A good zone leader of mine, though, once told me to focus on the positive things at the end of the day. That day: I learned my area pretty good. Definitely a positive, I think. :)

Elder Mann and I had a really weird day on Saturday, too. I´m not even sure that I can describe it with words. It was just so weird and out there it wasn´t even funny! But I´ll share one thing: This guy stopped us in the middle of the street, and talked to us for 20-30 minutes (not even kidding!) about how we need to worship the virgin Mary, etc. Well, yeah, that´s normal here, but wow. He just went off on the most random stories and random things. He kept using analogy questions (I think that´s what you would call them) on us, and he used this one analogy on me where the answer obviously was "my mom." And to ruin his example, I said, "¿Como? Pero mi madre murió cuando yo era joven." (What? But my mom died when I was young.) Haha. The look on his face was priceless, and he eventually left us alone. I felt bad for lying to him, but...the fact is: We worship the Savior and what He did for us. We respect Mary as the earthly mother of our Savior, but...she isn´t the one that Atoned for our sins. Therefore, we don´t worship her. Common sense, I think.

We watched a good documentary called "On The Lord´s Errand." It´s about the life of Thomas S. Monson. I absolutely loved it. I recomend it to every day! It really helped me gain that firm, strong testimony of Thomas S. Monson as our latter-day prophet. Because--I will admit--I was super attached to Gordon B. Hinckley, and when he passed away two years ago, I had my doubts. Obviously, with the conferences, I´ve gained a testimony of Thomas S. Monson, but wow...that DVD was just powerful, and I KNOW--with no doubt in my mind--that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God. Through him, we can receive direction from the Lord Himself! I am grateful for Thomas S. Monson and for the guidance we receive from him.

I know the Savior lives. He loves us more than we can comprehend. Let´s press forward in this Gospel and be obedient so that our Heavenly Father can bless us!

I love you all, and I thank you--as always--for your love and support. I am grateful for your letters and e-mails, and I look forward to hearing from everyone again next week! :)

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV
D&C 122:7

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