Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tal Vez: One of The Funnest Weeks of My Mission

Dear All,

It was a good week. Today we have cambios (transfers), and it´ll be fun to see what my next assignment is. As always, I am ready to accept the Lord´s next assignment; I know that if I am obedient and do what I am asked, the Lord will provide the way.

We had a funny moment on Saturday that I will never forget. We were on the way to clean the church in the morning, when this guy stopped us from his window. He came down and talked to us about a bunch of random stuff (he was drunk). Well, we see and talk to drunks every day but we decided to leave him with an invitation to our activity later that night. He said, "Okay, I´ll be there. But do you guys want any juice or food?" We kindly denied his offer and told him we had to go.

The best part: He told us he was coming with us, and that he was going to buy us some sandwiches. To make a long story short, we took a good 10-15 minute walk with this drunk guy to the nearest negocio where he bought us sandwiches. But--oh wow--was it the greatest! I was laughing SO hard. You should have seen it! One minute, I am with three elders talking to this drunk guy...the next minute, we are walking up the street with our arms around each other saying things such as, "Yeah, we´re number one, we´re number one!¨ with this drunk guy! Haha. I think it´s one of those "you had to be there" moments, but wow...I am not quite sure I´ve laughed so hard in my life.

Anyways--I had to get that out of the way. :) I went on intercambios a few days ago with Elder Castillo. It was my first day with a Latin. It was pretty sweet! I was surprised by how easy it was to work with him. At first I thought I would struggle because I´ve never worked with a Latin, but...I understood most of what he said, and we had a great time! Except:

A)I forgot my pajamas. I ended up borrowing some things from the other Elders. (See picture of me brushing my teeth.)
B)I forgot my shaver. It´s never a good feeling walking around without shaving! :)
C)We talked to this lady, and Elder Castillo asked, pointing to me, "How old do you think he is?" I was hoping for something like 17 or 18, because every one here thinks I am 22 or 23. But I was REALLY surprised when this lady said, "30!" HAHA. I was laughing so hard, and just said, "Really?? Um, I´m 19." To make a long story short, she wouldn´t believe me that I was only 19, and she probably still--to this day--thinks I am 30. Which is pretty unfortuneate. :) Haha.

We had another zone conference last Thursday, and it was the best! Like last month, I was able to see Elder Hawkes from the MTC, and it was the greatest talking to him and having lunch with him. We talked about more mission stories, and it was the greatest! I also saw Elder Tabares again (Elder Briones´s trainer), and that was great because he goes home soon, and I may not see him ever again!

I don´t think I ever mention this, but....when Elder Birchall trained me, he was only in his fifth transfer. (That is where I will be in six weeks!) So yeah, it was his first change as senior campanion, and he was still super new in the mission. But he is a stud, and he´s a great missionary. Well, while I was at the conference, I decided to ask one of the AP´s how Elder Birchall is doing (he´s still up north in a place called Ovalle). Well, this AP just told me, "Elder Birchall is great. He´s a district leader, and will be a zone leader soon, probably." My first thought, "No way! Wow."

Well, to make a long story short, I ended up talking to the other AP, and he told me that Elder Birchall (who trained again this change) had NINE baptisms this change, and that he was probably going to be a zone leader next change. He is now a legend in the mission for that! Getting NINE baptisms in a six week change with a BRAND NEW missionary is just awesome. Everyone was talking about Elder Birchall at the conference, and all I could think was, "Wow. My trainer! A legend." Haha. So yeah, who knows! It sounds like my trainer is already moving up to Zone Leader starting tonight, maybe. I just thought that was cool. :)

Well, Elder Mann and I had more sucess this week. We had two investigators at church yesterday, and Pedro (one of our investigators with a baptismal date) is making major progress! It´s been sweet! It´s good to be refilled with good, solid investigators. I am excited to see what happens with all of them. :)

Well, I am out of time. I promise my e-mail will be better next week. But I just wanted to thank everyone for their love and support. I love you all, and I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change lives. So let´s share it with everyone that we know! :) It´s worth it; I promise.

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV
D&C 122:7

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