Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Echo A Menos El Mar, Pero Estoy Animado Por Estar Aqui En Olmué

Dear All,

Well, I will have to apologize right away and say that there will be no pictures this week because I am on a Linux operating system, and it's not letting me upload any. But next week! (Never mind; I figured it out.)

Greetings from Olmué, Chile! It's good to be here with my companion Elder Richardsen. He's humble, obedient, and patient. He's from Canada, and he has the same amount of time as Elder Birchall (my trainer). We've gotten along right off the bat, and we are going to have a fun transfer together.

It's good to be in a ward again; the members here are great, and the people are actually nice to us. They reject us with kindness, opposed to the people in Valparaiso. :) It's cool because it's basically in the middle of nowhere, and there are a lot of farmers and what not here. It's a little big down. What I mean by that is...it's small in that everyone knows each other, but it's a HUGE area. Some people live in little neighborhoods...others in the mountains...etc. :)

The ward is cool. It was weird going to an Elders Quorum filled with RM's yesterday. It brought back memories of the Elders Quorum back home. Haha. It was cool, though, because this kid named Hymer asked me where I was from. When I told him that I was from Vegas, he said, "Oh, I had a really good friend in my mission friend Vegas....Elder Morgan." Haha. I said, "You served in the South didn't you?...Elder Morgan is in my ward." Haha. So yes, I met another person that knows Landan Morgan. Pretty cool! We took a picture together and he wanted me to make sure that Landan saw it. Haha.

We did a cool service project a few days ago. We helped this family build a second story to their house (see pictures), and it was a lot of fun. I always loved service before the mission, but now I absolutely love going out there and serving/helping others. It feels good.

We have bikes here! It is one of the few wards in this mission that has bikes, and wow! It's been a lot of fun thus far. I really miss driving at home, and although they are nothing alike, riding the bike has really helped me quench a lot of that thirst for driving. Especially when we are going down the hills at 60 miles per hour. ;)

They've really struggled with baptisms here in Olmue. Elder Richardsen just had the first baptism of the year two weeks ago. But we are both ready to go out there and find the Lord's elect. We are teaching this guy named Ivan now; he has the desires to be baptized, but he has problems with drinking. But he came to church yesterday, and we've been able to help him out a lot. :) We look forward to working with him more this week.

Oh yeah! One more thing: I got attacked by dogs again, and it was not good. Haha. But no worries! This time I was ready, and I kicked the dogs while Elder Richardsen threw old bread (from his pocket; haha) at them. It was a funny moment.

We taught Janette the recent convert about temples and family history a few days ago, and the Spirit was really strong for me. I never really understood the importance of family history until now. We truly can do sacred ordinances for those that have gone before us! We sure our lucky for this great knowledge! We truly can feel the Spirit in the Temple; we can be sealed for our families for eternity. I love the temple, and I know that there is no greater place to be!

I am out of time. I love you all, and I will always be grateful for your love and support. Choose the right and remember that the Gospel is the ONLY path to Eternal Life.

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV
D&C 122:7

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