Monday, January 3, 2011

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! (Surprise Baptism)

Dear All,

It's interesting how different countries can be SO different. When we had New Years back home, I don't ever remember celebrating it like the people here did. Haha. They are just more excited about it and what not. But maybe I was just really boring before the mission? I am not sure. But we had a good New Years Eve. Okay, well, we didn't do anything special. I actually just went to bed and listened to the fireworks. Haha. But I enjoyed it. However, I didn't enjoy New Year's Day. Yikes. This place was DEAD. I really felt like I was in a ghost town. No one would come out of their houses, so we decided to stop by and visit a few members. But nope! None of them were home either. So we spent our New Years Day walking around pretty much. It was interesting. Haha. But it was a good first and last New Years in Chile. I enjoyed it.

We had a good week, though. Wow. Last Monday, our plans fell through and so we decided to knock on a few doors. The first door we knocked...A man comes out, and he let us in his house. We taught the whole family, and the Spirit was really strong in the lesson. We applied all of the new eight principles that the First Presidency released a few months ago, and it was an awesome lesson. For the first time in the mission, I truly felt like I was following the Spirit and teaching according to the needs of the people. We were really excited afterwards, and we found a lot more people during the week, and we had lessons that were similiar. :) It was a great week.

We're going to have a surprise baptism this Saturday. We ate lunch with a family last Friday, and they informed us that one of their daughters hadn't been baptized when she was eight, but now she wanted to be baptized. We were planning on taking it slow, and we were going to baptize here later in the month. But we were surprised yesterday when her grandpa asked us, "Hey, can we have the baptism on Saturday? I have to go back to Antofagasta next Tuesday, and we want to be here for it." Well, I was worried because I didn't think we'd be able to get permission to baptize someone so quick. Well, to make a long story short, we got permission from our mission president, and Kabriell will be baptized this Saturday. We couldn't believe it! But we are really excited to teach everything to her this week so that she's ready for the baptism this Saturday. :)

I'm always so strengthened by the testimonies of the members here in Chilé. Yesterday, Elder Repetto and I blessed the sacrament, and so I was able to see all the members stand up, walk to the pulpit, and beat their testimonies. I witnessed one of the most Spiritual things that I had ever seen in my life as I watched a deacon help a blind man partake of the sacrament. And then afterwards, he was helped by another priesthood holder who helped him get up to the pulpit to bear his testimony. As the blind brother bore his testimony, I felt the Spirit so strong.

And seeing the Deacon and the other brother helping him just really hit me hard. It was a perfect definition of the Gospel. We love Christ, and we follow Him. We do so by serving our fellow men. A Primary kid explained it perfectly yesterday when he said, "I came here to learn about Jesus Christ. He brought me here so that I could learn about Him." I know that Christ is our perfect example. No, we will never be perfect like Him. But by following His example and by living His Gospel, Eternal Life can be acheived. I KNOW that is true.

I love the mission and the things I have learned here. I wish I could write about EVERYTHING that happens here every week. Sadly, that's no possible. :) But I will say this: This work is a work of miracles! I literally see miracles every day. I've seen the Gospel change lives. I've seen it change my own life. Let's set goals for this year to share the Gospel and to live it. So that all of us can witness the miracles that come from being a true diciple of Jesus Christ. That is my challenge for you all.

I love you all. Thank you for everything. If you need anything, let me know.

Happy 2011. I can't believe we are here already.

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV

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