Thursday, January 13, 2011

Otro Bautismo: El Proposito De La Obra Misional

Dear All,

Well, I actually pre-paid for the Internet here, and so that means I have a set time. I have 19 more minutes left! Yikes. :) Hopefully I can type this up quick!

I wanted to start off by saying Happy Birthday to Landon! Uncle Ben loves you.

We had a good week. :) Our baptism went well. Kabriell was really excited to be baptized, and it was fun teaching here everything in four days so that she could be baptized on Saturday. :) Her family was really grateful that we did that for her and for them. Her grandparents are going back up north tomorrow, and they wanted to be here for the baptism. And they were worried we wouldn't be able to do it. But we did. And they are happy.

We will have another baptism on January 22, 2011. :) Her name is Valeska. She listened to the missionaries for the first time back in 1989, but she never was baptized. After a good 20 years, she's decided that she wants to be baptized. But she had doubts about Joseph Smith and Tithing. We had a lesson with her on Tithing a few days ago, and it will go down in history as one of the most powerful lessons of my mission. She had all these doubts and questions, and I had NO idea how to answer them. But then I remembered something that a Zone Leader once taught me: "If you're faced with a hard question, revert to testimony." I remembered that, and I felt the Spirit telling me that that was all that I had to do. I said, "I can't answer all your questions. But I KNOW that we receive blessings as we pay our tithing." I then told the story of how Dad was able to find a new job immediately after losing his job at Hilton, thanks to us always paying our tithing and fasting. And as I shared this testimony with her, the Spirit was SO strong. And it ended with Valeska in tears as she replied, "Forget all the questions that I asked. I KNOW that the blessings are real." I know I've said it the last few weeks, but I will say it again: Miracles are still preformed today. They don't need to be something spectacular or amazing. They can be simple and powerful. And that lesson with Valeska was one of the many miracles that I have seen here in the mission. And it was something simple! I followed the Spirit. And because I did that, she felt the Spirit testifying to her that what I was saying was true.

I love you all. There's not much else to say this week. But I want to let you all know that I love ya. I pray for ya. And I am grateful for every good thing that you've ever done to help build the Lord's Kingdom. I love Him. And I am striving to become a better diciple of Him each day.

Until next week!

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV

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