Sunday, December 14, 2008

This Week's Adventures

I am supposed to be picking Matthew up from the airport right now, but he hasn't called me yet. And so while I am waiting, I think I will write about this week's adventures.

Tomorrow is the sing-along and Brent and Shayla's. I am excited! It is always fun to spend time with Brent's family. I actually spent the night at Brent and Shayla's this last Friday. Brent needed some help hooking up some new phones at the office, and so I drove over to his house to help him after our school musical. Brent Nelson and I started hooking the phones up around 9:40 PM or so, and we got done a little bit after midnight. It was a pretty sweet adventure! I was too tired to drive home afterwards, though, so I went ahead and just stayed the night. Anyways--I am excited for tomorrow's FHE adventure!

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will just be the usual days. I will be babysitting on Tuesday and Thursday night. And on Wednesday, we will probably have a Christmas combined activity for mutual or something. It should be great! :)

Friday will be fun. On Friday night, I am going to the BYU football fireside. BYU is going to the Vegas Bowl again this year, and it is tradition that they have a fireside the day before each game. I am excited to go and listen to Coach Mendenhall and some of the players speak. I remember when I went to the fireside two years ago, and it was very good! After the fireside, they usually have the players stand in the culteral hall, and you can get pictures with them, etc. I am excited!

Saturday is the big day. Dad, Brent Nelson, and I are going to the Vegas Bowl! BYU is playing a good Arizona team, and I am very excited to see my second Vegas Bowl game!

Well, Matthew just called, so I have to go pick him up.



The Watts said...

Did you all have a little too much egg nog at the sing along last night? Man I hate that we missed it sounds like it was a grand time! Of course with my cold I would have scared the neighbors away.

Shayla said...

FYI...Brighton has been carrying around his new friends all morning. He keeps making them kiss each other!

BDN said...

Shayla, I am glad Brighton likes his new friends. :) I wanted to wrap them up for Christmas, but I figured he deserved an early Christmas gift or two. :)