Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Crazy Last Few Days

Dear All,

Wow. Here I am again! It was a crazy week, especially the last few days. I will start with the earthquake, since I believe that is what everyone is probably wondering about.

Here in La Sarena, the Earthquake was about a 4.5. So it wasn´t super bad, but it was still the strongest one I´ve ever felt. It was at 3:30 AM, and it was a little scary at first, only because I thought Elder Birchall was having a seizure or something. But as soon as Elder Bales (one of the Zone Leaders) woke up and started yelling "Earthquake!" I knew what all the shaking was. It took me a while to get back to sleep, and I didn´t think it was all that bad!

But after going to members´ homes and seeing the destruction on the TV. Wow! Yesterday, we heard that 700 people are dead; this morning we heard (from a collectivo driver) that it was around 1000 or so. My prayers are with the families in Concepciòn and Santiago! And if you remember, my good friend Elder Briones is from Santiago. He was able to call his parents, and they are okay. Their house is still intact, but he said a lot of their posessions (TV, computer, etc.) were destroyed. And I don´t know if you´ve been following the news, but...There is no water or electricity in Santiago, and there is just a ton of chaos down there. :/ It´s just a mess.

The good news: We heard yesterday at church that all the missionaries are safe. I was a little worried, but I am happy to know that we are all safe. I am grateful for the promise the Lord has given me--that I will be watched over and protected in my missionary work. I am reminded of this every day.

Duban´s baptism on Friday was good (see the pictures);however, we made a mess when we forgot to turn off the water when filling up the font. Luckily enough, the Relief Society was there to mop it up. :) (Again, see the pictures. Haha.) But yeah--it was a good baptism, and Duban was confirmed yesterday, along with the Araya Family.

School has started back up here in Chilè, and it´s weird seeing everyone starting school in late February and early March. Haha. It´s also weird that they are just now starting the Book of Mormon in Seminary this year when Timmy and everyone else in the States started like...six months ago. Haha. But I guess that´s just how that works. :)

Elder Boyd and I had a fun experience last Thursday when our District Leader (Elder Boyd´s companion) decided to let us go on interchanges together. (Imagine: Two missionaries working together for a whole day after only being here for six weeks. Haha.) But we actually did really well! We were only able to teach three lessons, but we were both surprised by how much we understood and were able to speak. Now, of course, we still have a LONG way to go, but we are both working hard, and it was good to see our efforts come together this last Thursday. :)

I had an embarassing moment at the Araya´s house the other day when they decided to let me pray in English. My first thought, "Excellent! Now I can finally say what I want to say and how I want to say it." I was surprised when it was extremely difficult to pray, and as I mixed up English and Spanish words, and when I forgot how to ask for blessings in English. Of course, the Araya´s don´t know English, so that was okay. Haha. But afterwards, Elder Birchall said, "Wow. Is that usually how you pray? That was a pretty weird prayer." (And it really was. I wish I could describe just how bad it was. Haha.) But...I think it´s normal when I´ve only prayed in Spanish for the last few months.

Also, with the Earthquake and what not, they aren´t doing cambios today. And so Elder Birchall and I have another week together, we believe. We will find out more details tonight. :) I guess the Area Presidency of Chilè doesn´t want any missionaries moving for now; and besides none of the new Elders can fly into the Santiago airport anyways because that place is destroyed. :/ But I will keep you all posted.

Also, we have a guy in my ward who is serving in the same mission as Kyle Taylor, and he is in the same MTC. His name is Elder Cuevas. That would be way sweet if they end up meeting each other!

Well, I hope all is well with everyone, and I am grateful for all your prayers. Despite all the destruction and the chaos, the work still goes forth! I will continue to keep you all posted on whether or not we get to help rebuild, when cambios are, etc.

I love you all, and I testify that this Gospel is true. I am a witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel. I testify that Christ is our Savior and that we can live with our families and our Heavenly Father forever. But only through our Savior and His Atonement.

¡Hasta la proxìma semana!

Con Amor,
Elder Nelson IV
D&C 122:7

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