Monday, March 15, 2010

La Oscuridad

Dear All,

Sorry if this is short. I was really slow with my letter to the mission president today and what not. Oops. But I want to thank everyone again for the e-mails. :) I got a lot again this week. I am sorry if I didn`t directly reply to you. If you sent me an e-mail to me, but didn`t get one back, just know that I love you and am grateful for the e-mails. :)
Well, let`s get cambios out of the way. I stayed here in La Sarena in the Brillador Ward, along with Elder Briones. :) That was great news, because we both wanted to stay together in the same ward. However, Elder Birchall left, along with Elder Tarbares, and that was sad. :/ But...the work moves on!
My new companion is Elder Dupre. He is a good Elder, but he has his different ways. He is different than Elder Birchall, and it kind of threw me off at first. But I am getting used to it, and it`s been good. :) The next four weeks with him should be sweet. :) He reminds me of a shorter Nick Beatty. Haha.
(Unfortuneately, my camera died while pictures were being uploaded, so you will only see the photo of me and some other Elders waiting for our companions at the bus station. :/ There`s always next week, though! :))
We now have an investigator with a baptismal date. His name is Matias, and he is part of a less active family. The family is getting reactivated, and he is getting baptized on April 10. Their family is way sweet, and I am happy to be working with them. :) And then yesterday, wow! We had four investigators attend church! It was way sweet. I look forward to meeting with them all this week, and hopefully they all return next Sunday, too. :)
Elder Wallentine (my district leader) and I went on interchanges again, and we had a fun time, just like we did the first time we went on interchanges. Haha. We were going to ask this old lady what the name of this street was...and as soon as she saw us, she walked over to Elder Wallentine and tried to greet him with a kiss. He said, "No puedo besar!" (I can`t kiss.) HAHA. And she was all embarassed, and said to her neighbor, laughing, "Yo quiero le besar!" (I wanted to kiss him.) HAHA. It got even funnier later on when we were teaching this less active lady named Brigida. Her ten year old grand daughter walked into the room, and greeted Elder Wallentine with a kiss on the cheek while he was teaching. She shook my hand next, and I gave her the stiff arm. HAHA. She was trying to go in for the kiss, but I wouldn`t let her. To make a long story short, I was laughing during the whole lesson, and I even made Elder Wallentine laugh while he was trying to read a scripture. We joked later and mentioned how weird stuff always happens when we are on intercambios together. :)
Last night, while teaching the Arayas, the power went out! It was SO dark. It was about time to head back to the apartment, and we did so in safety, thanks to a member who gave us a ride home. :) The power was out in the WHOLE country. Pretty nuts, eh? We ended up having to plan for the next day (today) in the dark with a flashlight. That was fun. :) I will send pics of the darkness next week. :)

Well, I am out of time. :) I love you all, and I know this Gospel is true. All is well here, and although I have my stuggling moments, my testimony has been my anchor and my support.
I hope that everyone remembers this one thing: Nothing can replace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is only through living this Gospel that we can be truly happy. I know this because I am a witness of the happiness that has come in my life and in the lives`of others.

Again, I love you all, and I hope to hear from every one soon. :)

Con Amor,
Elder Nelson
Mosiah 2:22

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