Wednesday, November 23, 2011

1: I Have No Regrets; I Did My Best.

Dear All,

I believe this'll be my last e-mail as a full-time missionary. I may or may
not write next Monday. I don't think I will because I'm going to be with
Elder Hunsaker (the Elder that lived with me in Quillota), and we are going
to be visiting converts and what not. But if I do write my chance, don't be
too surprised.

Wow. Two years has come and gone. I've thought a lot about my days as a
missionary. I'll never forget all of these people that have made such a
huge impact on my life. I have no regrets. I can't say that I was the
greatest missionary at all times; I made a lot of mistakes. But I have no
regrets, because I did my best.

We had a great mission conference last week. We heard from Elder Cook,
Bishop McMullin, AND Elder Zaballos. It was great to be in ViƱa again, and
it was great to hear from these special witnesses of Jesus Christ. During
the conference I was reminded again by the Spirit that these men truly are
the Lord's servants in these latter days. I got a good laugh because we
also attended a fireside the night before, and Elder Cook and Elder
Zaballos spoke there, too. So I heard them both speak twice!

And the fireside was interesting because they talked a lot to the young
single adults about how they shouldn't hold off being married. They talked
about how we need to be more faithful, and how we need to put our trust in
the Lord--despite not having a ton of money or a lot of Education. And then
in the conference the next day, they talked a little more about marriage.
(And when they did, my zone--knowing that I am going home next week--all
looked at me and smiled/laughed. It's a missionary thing, I guess.) And
then yesterday at church we were visited by a Brother Goodman and his wife
Jodi. They are from Arizona. Brother Goodman served here about five years
ago. We ate lunch with them and a family in the ward, and he was telling us
his whole story and how he got married about a year after getting home,
etc. So what I'm trying to say is: I heard a lot about marriage this week.

Well...I'm going to try especially hard this week to stay focused and to
end strong. On Sunday morning at about 6 AM, I'm getting on a bus to
Quillota. I'm planning on attending church there, and then I'm planning on
eating lunch at Valeska's (my convert) house. From there, Elder Hunsaker
and I will make our way to the mission home for our final interviews. I
have mine at 6:30 PM.

* 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at

7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
faith:* (2 Timothy 4:6-7)

This is it. I loved my mission. I love all of you, and I am grateful for
everything you've done for me--especially these last two years. See you
next week.

Con Mucho Amor,
Elder Nelson IV

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