Saturday, January 21, 2012

Always My Mission.

In the MTC, we had a Sunday night fireside, and the speaker said something along the lines of, "Since the day I got home from my mission, not a day has passed by where I haven't thought about my mission." I remember a good MTC district buddy of mine turned to me and said, "I don't really believe that. There's no way that not ONE day has passed." At the time, I agreed and thought, "Yeah...I don't really see how that is possible."

Well, now that I have been home for two months, I strongly disagree with my young, missionary self. The mission is a life-changing experience, and so many things are seen and experienced in those two short years.

And so it shouldn't be a huge surprise to me that I have honestly thought and/or looked back on my mission every single day since arriving home. Not a day passes by where I don't see something that reminds me of one of the following: one of my companions, President Gillespie, one of my converts, one of the ward members/leaders, a feeling or impression that I had while in my mission, or just Chile in general. The list goes on and on.

Here are a few of those things that I am reminded of:

And so even though my mission has come to a close, I recognize that it will always my mission--the turning point of my young, not-yet-old life. And I recognize that I am responsible to continue doing my part as a disciple of Jesus Christ.


eBN said...


BDN said...

Thanks, dude!