Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lost Treasure #6: "The Week Of Work"

I found the following two photos in a folder entitled "The Week Of Work." If I recall correctly, Brent Nelson and I spent about a week figuring out how we were going to build this bad boy. Two memories from that week stick out:

1)Brent Nelson and I running in and out of Office Max with a new hard drive in the pouring rain.

2)Brent Nelson saying to me (while working on the PC; about to put the CPU in), "Hey, bring me some toilet paper, bring me some toilet paper!" I thought to myself, "Oh, dang. He's either really got to sneeze or he has a bloody nose. Either way...my PC is in danger." So I ran and got the toilet paper! But I was surprised when Brent Nelson took the toilet paper and proceeded to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Classic.

I was 13-years-old when Brent Nelson taught me how to build a computer.

Me. PRETENDING to do something.

Brent Nelson. ACTUALLY doing something.


eBN said...

The sweat/toilet paper tale is a classic! Had to do that so that I didn't drip any sweat into the mobo (especially when we slipped that CPU in that junt).

BDN said...

HAHAHA. Good times!!