Sunday, March 1, 2009

Missionary Update

On Friday, Tara came over for her second discussion, and it was great. We all read from 2 Nephi 31 with Tara, and it was about baptism. The missionaries were amazed how Tara had already read so much; they said they'd never seen anything like it on their missions. (She took notes on what she read, she wrote down questions that she had, etc.--all on sticky notes that she put in her scriptures and what not.) Tomorrow the missionaries are coming over at 5PM for PB&J sandwiches, and then we are going to talk about The Plan of Salvation. It's gonna be awesome!

Tara's first full day of church today was awesome. She originally got work off on Sunday to come to church, but yesterday she told me she had to work, and I was a little scared...But she told me it wasn't until one; so she was able to attend all three hours, and it was awesome! Fast and testimony meeting wasn't new to Tara because we went to sacrament meeting while we were in Provo on February 1. I think I mentioned it in my post about our Provo trip, but I got up and bore my testimony up there because I thought it was be good for Tara to hear my testimony.

Anyways...I bore my testimony again today, and Tara loved it. She thought it was cool that Timmy, Logan, and I all help with the sacrament. I introduced Tara to some of my leaders and to a few other people in the ward, and they made her feel very welcome. *appreciates*

We went to Sunday school next, and I think Tara really enjoyed it. We have a good teacher, and we learned about the difference between the Aaronic Priesthood and the Melchezidek Priesthood; an excellent lesson for both my class and for Tara! We learned how the Priesthood was actually restored to these Latter-Days, and I thought it was just a great lesson for Tara to be there for.

From what I hear, Tara really enjoyed young women's, and I don't doubt it! The young women in the ward, as well as the leaders, are so nice, and I know they made her feel welcome. Sister Scott, one of the leaders, told me that Tara gave a lot of input on the lesson, and that she really enjoyed having her there. I heard the leaders telling Tara that they would see her Wednesday, so I am assuming they asked her to come to mutual on Wednesday. But...Tara figured out she had to work this Sunday, so she won't be able to make it this week; but she plans on coming next week! :)

So...Things have been going well, and I don't know that I have ever been as proud of a friend as I am Tara. This last week has been something else!!


Todd said...

Epsilon brother epsilon!

The Watts said...

I have been wondering how things went, thanks for posting your experience, it brought tears to my eyes, Obpa and I have been reading "Preach My Gospel" for family night each week and it is really exciting to see it in action! We are so proud of you for setting the example and being an instrument for the Lord!

Shayla said...

I was really impressed with Tara when we met her on Sunday. She seems like a really fun girl. And I liked how comfortable she seemed with all of us. Hope Seth didn't offend her with his screams. :)

What a great experience this is for you to have right before your mission!