Monday, September 22, 2008

One Voice + Celestrial Dating

I am not sure if this is something I personally wrote down or if it's something I copied down during an EFY class.....

But I found the following entry in my EFY journal, and I thought I'd share it. :)

One Voice

-Although I am only one voice, my voice can go far and be heard by everyone that is willing to hear it.

-My voice is not alone. I have the voice of my friends, family, and others from the Church.

-I will use my voice to pray to my Heavenly Father, so that I can receive His voice and find answers to the questions that are on my mind.

-Christ was one voice. His voice carried far, and He changed the world. Through his voice, He has made all of this (in life) possible. He helped others one at a time with His voice.

I wish I could remember what lesson/class this is from!! Haha. :)


Also, while going through my journal, I found an excellent section on "Celestrial Dating."

The 10 Commandments of Celestrial Dating (For Teens)

-Thou shalt choose friends and dates with great care.

-Thou shalt date in groups and attend only wholesome activities.

-Thou shalt be clever and creative in planning dates.

-Thou shalt set rules and guidelines.

-Thou shalt dress and speak appropriately.

-Tough shalt not make-out.

-Tough shalt not back rub, lie down, etc.

-Tough shalt not enter date's bedroom.

-Tough shalt not think you are an exception.

-Tough shalt listen to the Spirit at all times.


The Watts said...

I am I missing some cool twist on words or have you just made a type O? Or heck maybe it is it Celestial or Celestrial? that was great stuff though....Love you

BDN said...

Hahaha. I just wrote it word for word from my journal. I don't think there is an R, but alas! That's how I spelled it in my journal. Haha.

The Watts said...

That is the greatest the last honest man, I am famous for adding letters to words or mixing them up, it makes for a great laugh later!