Monday, September 15, 2008

Seminary--Good Times

There just really aren't any teachers quite like my seminary teacher last year.

Brother Chase is substituting Timmy's class for the first two days of this week. I joined Timmy's class today, because I really miss Brother Chase's powerful lessons.

After going months without teaching, Brother Chase pulled off another great lesson, and it was just great being there for it. There's something about the way he teaches that just makes you feel the Spirit so strong, and it definitely makes a difference in your day. :) I mean--seminary is like that in general for me, because all the teachers teach the same thing, and the effect is all very much the same. But...Brother Chase just does it in a unique way, and it's especially powerful.

I am looking forward to tomorrow!

1 comment:

Kerstin said...

I loved seminary when I was in High School. I hope you are doing well, I miss you.