Sunday, September 21, 2008


It seems like years since I've last written anything on this thing. Truly rare.

There really isn't much to update everyone on. You see--every fall season is the same every year. School starts, and I start getting busy. And then there are a few other things that keep me busy as well. ;)

I am still on a job hunt, but I have been keeping myself pretty occupied with a few small jobs. I babysit these kids in my ward twice a week, and then a tutor this girl in my ward twice a week, and I get some pretty good money from that. I also mow a lawn for a lady in my ward every other week or so.

Football season started, and my college team (BYU) is playing superb. Football keeps me busy Friday nights and Saturday afternoons. Friday night is high school football, and Saturday is college football. I am looking forward to my trip up to Provo in three weeks. :)

My Dad went out of town this weekend, leaving me with all the boys. We had a pretty good time. It's good to get a break from parents sometimes, and I am sure my parents feel the same way. ;)

Anyways. The boys and I took a trip over to the Vegas side of town. Timmy visited with Joe, and Luke and Logan spent some time with Shean. I hung out with a few people. I visited with my friend Chelsea for a little bit, and then I went over to Brent's house. Brent Nelson and I watched some football, and then I went to see my good friend Jared Brummett. It was his birthday yesterday, and the Seastrands and I took him to Macayos for his and Sister Seastrand's birthday. We had some good times, and we laughed a lot. I haven't laughed that much in a long time! It felt good.

Speaking of the whole lot: I am going to homecoming with my friend Angela. We are doubling with Jared and Chelsea, and it is going to be fun. :)

Well, that is all for now, really. I hope all is well for everyone! :)


eBN said...

*is confused*

BDN said...

Hahaha. What are you confused about?

Cynthia said...

I am also on a job hunt! Wow, this reminds me of when we used to take trips to many different places while the parents were out of town. Speaking of which, where did they go anyhow?

Kerstin said...

So you are no longer at the Loco? Sounds like a fun weekend, maybe one of these days you ought to make a trip out to the land of the Hoosier, I'm just saying...

The Watts said...

So are you going to Vegas Highs Home coming or Foothill? Sounds like fun, it should be good times!!

BDN said...

Foothill's homecoming. :) But with a few Vegas kids. ;)