Friday, November 28, 2008

College Application: OFFICIALLY Complete

Victory! :) Brother Chase finally got around to filling out the seminary reccomendation, and so my BYU applications are officially complete. Now all I have to do is sit back and relax....

The trip up to Utah was good. There was a TON of rain on the way up here, and it was a bit scary at times, but it was a fun trip! I almost fell asleep at the wheel, haha, so we stopped at a random gas station, and I took a nap before we moved on. Better safe than sorry FTW.

It's been great seeing my Mom again. It's been fun hanging out with Cynthia, and it reminds me of the good old days. We've kind of switched places now, though. She makes me drive everywhere, while she gets to sit in the passenger seat. ;)

We went to the temple this morning, and we did some Baptisms For The Dead. It was excellent! Joe had some family names that he had to do, and that was awesome!

Well, I want to write more, but I am limited on time because we are about to have family prayer and what not. I hope everyone had a good and safe Thanksgiving!! :)

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