Monday, January 12, 2009

A Five Year Change

My Desktop Today (January 12, 2009)

My Desktop Nearly Five Years Ago (July 11, 2004)


eBN said...

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see any difference between the two man.

And Matt told me to ask if you took a screen of the "malethong".

BDN said...


The MAIN difference is the MSNs, man...

All I use MSN for now is to text people's phones....

BDN said...

And no, I never took a shot of that. Even if I did...That was on the laptop that died. Remember?

eBN said...

"But it was David Hasslehoff in the 'malethong', right?" -Matthew

eBN said...

Didn't that laptop have a DVD burner man???

BDN said...

Didn't that laptop have a DVD burner!?!?! You're kidding, right? That thing was a JALOPY. Remember how old that junk was? It was before DVD's were ever created!

HAHA. And the thing about David Hasslehoff=Hilarious. HAHA.

eBN said...

HAHA! The word verification for this comment is "fartant".

Anyway, dude, if I remember correctly that lappy was pretty much the slickest thing to happen to computers since the invent of the mouse man!

Todd said...

dudes i noticed that it=pure cell phones lol while the other had the body things... *wonders if tab is signed in on that shot

The Watts said...

It just looks to me like a lot more of your friends are actually online