Monday, January 26, 2009

Memory Lane: October 29, 2004 (AKA "Many, Many Days Without Writing")

Wow. Just wow. I hope everyone enjoys this one. I read it, and I about peed myself. I can't believe some of the stuff I wrote!! :)

All Y'all!,

WOWzers! It has been a while journal! Well, nothing has really happened lately. I am keeping in touch with the election, and I am looking forward to Tuesday. However, the upcoming election is also making me quite nervous and a bit depressed, for if Kerry wins this election, I fear what will become of our country. But I have faith in America and I know they will let the best man win. (And when I say let the best man win, I mean President George W. Bush.)

So yes. We had the school election today, and I got a headache because there were so many Kerry supporters and alot of the black people were saying stuff like, "Bush is gonna get shot if he is re-elected." Or: "We need to take Bush to Iraq so he can be blown to bits." And all these people's remarks gave me major headaches (they were making me so mad), but I often wonder: "What can these liberals be thinking? How can you possibly vote for a man who thinks God made it where there would be some homosexual people. How can you vote for a man who supports MURDER,abortion. How can you possibly vote for a man whom the terrorist WANT to win? WHY? So we can have more attacks here in our country? We need a President who is kind. We need a President that shows the terrorist that we mean business. We need a president who has a straight, and not a messed up way of thinking! If the democrats truly loved their country, they would vote for President Bush! And that is why I like the "Democrats for Bush" Program."

Well, as you can see, my mind, at the moment, is mostly focused on this election. I know not many kids care about their country much at their age. But I am one of those 'early bloomers.' I love my country alot more than most my age!



BDN said...

Isn't that hilarious??? HAHA!!

Todd said...

wow man good stuff