Friday, October 17, 2008

Homecoming Countdown: One Day!

The BYU football team fell for the first time this season last night when they lost to a very well-prepared TCU team. Usually when I am in this situation, I am kind of bummed out and what not. But there is one thing that makes the loss better for me: Homecoming is still tomorrow. :)

I haven't been this excited for a long time. I dunno. My eighteenth birthday was exciting; the trip to Provo was very, very exciting. But I have really been looking forward to homecoming the most. Last year's homecoming experience was okay, but in a lot of ways I found it to be a tad disasterous. I wanted this year to be special and fun, and that's one reason I asked Angela. She is excellent, and she has proven to me that I can always rely on her to make me laugh/smile. So yeah--tomorrow is going to be really fun. :)

Today I got some things done for homecoming after school. My friend Tara and I went to SuperCuts, and I got a haircut. It looks pretty sweet. After the homecoming assembly, Timmy, Kaden, and I went to the mall to get me a sweet new tie. It's probably my new favorite tie. It's excellent!

I have to work until 9:30 tonight, and I hope it goes by really quick. Here is my plan:

-Get home from work; chill with the bros until about 11:30 PM or so.
-Go to sleep.
-Wake up nice and early.
-Do Saturday chores.
-Go to Country Rose and pick up corsage.
-Come home; get other stuff done.
-Prepare for homecoming.
-Enjoy Homecoming Adventures!

1 comment:

The Watts said...

Just been sitting here all weekend on pins and needles waiting for the goods, I have to tell you on Friday morning I made a very sad mistake, I wanted to know the results of the BYU game and so I googled BYU Football and this article came up and I just scanned it and it said that BYU had won, I was sooo happy I did a dance at work and did a little hoolaring, then I called Darin and woke him up to tell him. Well later that night I read your post and it said that we lost and I was like NO WAY, I went back to the article and it was talking about the win in 2006, so now I am sad, oh well that's what I get for not reading the whole article! We can't wait to hear how your date went!