Monday, August 11, 2008

A Trip To My Past (Weekend: Part Two)

Wow. I'll tell you what, my friends: The last two summers have been all about me and my family. In 2005 and 2006, however, I spent my summers in a little place called Las Vegas with my cousin TAB. This last weekend, I decided to take a trip over there and stay for a few days. It was really great.

Friday night, after the reception and what not, TAB, Brian Walker, Dal McPral, and I decided to just chill in the spa for a while at Brian Walker's house. Our friend Chelsea was with us, and it was pretty fun just sitting in there catching up with each other. After Chelsea left, my pals and I ended up staying up until 5 AM. They just played video games while I talked with them; it really brought back some good memories. We also talked about BYU football quite a bit and what not, and that was pretty good.

Saturday was probably the most boring day of them all. Dal McPral left on a vacation to California, and TAB, Brian, and I were hoping to find something to do, but we never did. We ended up watching the Olympics and football all day, pretty much. We played volleyball at TAB's for a while, and I ended up hitting Brian's volleyball up into a tree. Everyone gave up trying to get it, except for me, Seth Brunner, and Skittles. Brian kind of seemed angry that I lost his ball, and I felt really bad. And so I told Seth Brunner and Skittles that I wasn't going to stop trying until I got the ball down. Seth Brunner came up with a good plan to get it down, and it worked. It only took us about an hour and a half to get it down, but it felt really good to not let my friend down like he thought I was going to. Some' like that.

Sunday was a good day for me. It was good to visit with everyone in TAB's ward. I sat next to my friend Angela during Sunday school, and according to her, I was making her laugh a lot, and the teacher was so confused as to way she was laughing so much (she doesn't usually laugh during class, I am guessing). It was pretty amusing. ;) The best thing about church on Sunday was Priest Quorom. Wow. I think the lessons we have in Priest Quorom are the best--whether I am in my ward or TAB's. It was just a powerful, powerful lesson, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I wanted to walk to the temple Sunday night, just like we always used to, and so we got a bunch of people to go. Some people drove, but TAB, Jared Brummett, Brian Walker, and I walked. It was a good walk. But as soon as we got there, Angela said she had to leave, and I was a bit confused. I then heard that she left because some other kids were singing some songs that weren't exactly Sunday-appropriate, and she asked them to stop but they didn't. That really made me mad, and so I got TAB and we walked back over to his house. We had scripture study at his house, and then we went to visit Bryson's/Angela's family.

We visited the Seastrand's until about 10 PM, and it really brought back some good memories. I used to stay at Bryson's house quite a bit back in Summer 2005, and it was good to be back in that house again; I always feel welcome there. We watched one of the movies Bryson is working on, and it was really sweet; I loved it. Other than that: We pretty much just talked the whole time, catching up with each other and what not.

It was just really great visiting my old childhood friends. :) Here are a bunch of pics. Compliments to my good friend Jared for taking these shots for me. Thank you, my friend, thank you.

Saying our final farewell!!

Me, Brian Davis, and Chelsea.

Pianos=sweet=this picture.

The Mango o' Truth.

Me and my young friends, Joe Brunner and Bekah Pitts.

Me and TAB talking with the Seastrands.

Saying our good byes! *tear*

Me with Angela (holding her favorite toy) and little Tyler!

Me and my pal Angela.

Me and my cousins.

Starting our walk to the temple!

My friend Katie gave me a mango. This is me and my mango.

Me and TAB!

Me and my cousin Joe Brunner.

Me and my good friend Jared Brummett.

Me and Brian Walker before the Temple walk.

Me and my good friend Bryson!


eBN said...

Why does Brian Walker look like Curious George man?!

PS Matthew Nelson has super powers.

Kerstin said...

Family is important but so are friends. I am glad you had a good time.

Theresa said...

I never knew you had a blog,.. duh,.. You are now added. sorry I am so dense and it took me so long to realize. Love you!