Thursday, August 7, 2008

"The Slow Hand Quickens"

The title has nothing to do with what I'm about to write. It's a line from a song; Matthew and I have been saying it a lot the last few days, and it makes me laugh.

The last couple of days have been eventful. To say the least. But it's not anything any of us didn't expect. Cynthia gets married tomorrow, so of course: We have a lot of family in town and what not.

It's been great having Kerstin and her kids around the last few days. It definitely brings back great memories of last summer. (For those of you who don't know: I spent the majority of last summer hanging out with Kerstin, her kids, and Cynthia.) It's a shame Kerstin is only here for about a month, though. But alas! I always did like the moto "Best for last!"

I've seen my Mom a few times as well, and it's always great to have her around, although I am not quite the Mamma's boy I used to be. She (like a lot of other folks) has been busy preparing for the wedding tomorrow. She's staying at my brother's house across town.

In other news: My good friend and cousin TAB came and picked me up from work on Tuesday. He and an old childhood friend of mine (Brian) spent the night at my house Tuesday night, and it was sweet to catch up with both of them. We spent most of our time together at night: We went to the movies, ate at FatBurger (at 2 AM), went swimming right after that, and then we watched our favorite show from our past--Dragon Ball Z. We only got a few hours of sleep because the day care kids woke us up, but we woke up nice and early to take my check to the bank before TAB and Brian went back home. It was definitely a sweet moment, as it reminded me of our childhood days.

The Brotherhood and I woke up nice and early this morning to go and help my Dad set up Cynthia's reception at the Mission Drive building, and that was actually kind of fun. I provided the McDonalds breakfast as usual. Matthew, Luke, Logan, and I were super tired, because we were up until 4 AM or so watching Sailor Moon. Timmy, however, never joins us, as he gets to sleep early for Cross Country. ;)

Well, that is all for now! My Mom just showed up here at my house, and I'd better go talk to her before she vanishes! :)

Coming up next: One big, busy wedding day tomorrow! It'll be great to see all the family and friends at the reception. See y'all tomorrow at 6 PM. :)

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