Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A El Pollo Loco Story: Chase Family Visits BDN

My favorite part about working in the lobby at El Pollo Loco is being able to visit with familiar faces as they eat their food.

Today, one of my heroes came to visit me. Good ol' Brother Chase! Brother Chase was my seminary teacher my junior year, and he was amazing. He is definitely a legend. One reason I'm not looking forward to senior year as much as I probably should is because Brother Chase isn't teaching seminary again. However, I'm lucky enough to have Brother Chase in my ward, and so I get to stop and talk to him every Sunday. It's great being able to keep in touch with him.

Last December, I helped Brother Chase put grass in his backyard, and so I was at his house all day for two Saturdays. During that time, Brother Chase's family and I got to know each other pretty well. I instantly became fans of his four little kids; and they seemed to like me a lot, too. (His two oldest, anyways.) GREAT. FAMILY.

Anyways. Today he brought his whole family in to El Pollo Loco for Family Home Evening. It was really sweet! His kids are so cool and cute. They are all really young, and they were making me laugh as they asked me questions like, "Hey, Ben, are your kids married yet?" and made comments like, "I didn't know Ben lived HERE!!" (referring to El Pollo Loco). Those are just two of my favorites; his family definitely had me smiling while I worked. I took a break and visited with them for a while, and Brother Chase and I talked about having his family over for a swimming party/BBQ. His kids are going to love that.

Before they left, they were sure to make their table nice and dirty so that I had something to do after they left. As they were leaving, Brother Chase's oldest (Hazel) said, "Bye, Ben! See ya next time we come!" That put a big smile on my face.

After they left, work got really boring pretty fast, but their visit was definitely a great way to start the week off. :)


Kerstin said...

I am glad that you got a little suprise at work yesterday. Those kids sound super cute!

Shayla said...

Haha. They thought you lived at El Pollo Loco. That's funny.

BDN said...

The Chase children are definitely gems. My favorite days of seminary was when he would bring his two oldest in. Our seminary room was also a nursery, so they would get all the toys out and what not, and it was good fun!