Sunday, July 13, 2008

This Week's Adventurous Events

-I am giving blood tomorrow at 9:30 AM.

-Landon is coming to stay with us for a few days starting Tuesday.

-I am going to the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight" (Movie of the year! I said it first.)

-Cynthia gets here Saturday night!!


Kerstin said...

Sounds like a fun week! I told Matt that you or him or Dad or Joann(or another adult) needs to be with Landon pretty much all the time. I am sure you won't mind but I am just letting you know, also those other things sound fun. It will be great to have CC there, is Joe comming to? Anyway love you! Have fun with Landon

BDN said...

Yeah, no worries! The whole time Landon is here and I am NOT working, he's going to be going on adventures with me and what not. I am so excited!! I'm going to cry tears of pure happiness when I see him again. :) :)

BDN said...

And giving blood isn't exactly "fun" but it's pretty eventful, considering I've only been sleeping and working the last few weeks! ;)

Kerstin said...

giving blood can be pretty exciting.. one time I fainted after giving blood, that was good times. Also they usually have delicious snacks and juice for you. One of these days I need to give blood again. i don't know if I can while I am nursing.

BDN said...

Hahaha. Yeah, we had a blood drive at school a few months ago, and I remember trying to go back to class before sitting down and eating a snack, etc. The lady was like, "Where are you going!?!" I felt fine, and I was like, "I'm going back to class..." And then she made me stay and eat and what not, and it was sweet!! Haha.