Saturday, July 19, 2008

On BDN's Mind

There are a few things making my world go 'round right now:
-My family.
-John Mayer.
-The Dark Knight.

Now consider this: What if all of us tried a little harder to become what our Heavenly Father wants us to become?? I know I could definitely do a little better. I hope that we all realize that.

I'm watching you, my friends. I'm watching to see which of you are passing your test and which of you are failing your test. A lot of you are passing, others are failing. But not only am I testing you--I am also testing myself as well. Me? I'm not failing, I'm not passing. I'm sort of in-between.

But we can't be in-between, my friends. Being in-between is just as bad as failing. Why? Because you aren't passing. That's the common misunderstanding people get. "Oh, no worries--I'm good, because I am not failing." It's not true. You aren't good unless you are passing.

And so I hope we will all take a chance to change this summer. I hope we will all take a chance to ponder about ourselves and our decisions and realize what we need to do to be on the "passing track" rather than the "failing track." I know I have a long way to go; but at least I'm working on it.

With that said--It's time for sleep. But remember this, my friends: We all have enough room inside of ourselves to become a little better, even if you don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok i am confused. Are you trying to say we should all work to be better people? haha