Thursday, July 24, 2008

Time Flies (Twilight Rant + Trip To Utah)

Time flies, my friends. Four weeks from now, I will be getting ready for a little thing called "Senior Year." School starts August 25.

One week from now, my sister KT gets here, and I am excited for that!! :) I'm really excited to see babies Ella and Tori.

Two weeks from now, I'll be getting ready for Cynthia and Joe's wedding. Yikes. 0_0

The brothers went and saw The Dark Knight this morning without me. Darn shame, really. I could have seen it a fifth time! But..I got sleep, so it's okay. Matthew tells me, though, that they had a Twilight preview before the movie. Twilight had better not be another Titanic, where every girl in the world pays hundreds of dollars to go see it thirteen times. I'm going to be angry if Twilight is anywhere NEAR the top 25 movies in box-office sales.

In other news: I'm taking a trip up to Provo in September. The BYU vs. UCLA football game is on September 13, but I think I'll drive up there the morning of the 12th so that I could spend a little more time with Chris Berry. I plan on coming home the next Monday, September 15. I have a few ideas for who will be joining me, but...Nothing's set in stone yet, because it's quite a few weeks away. Should be a great trip!

Well, I hope everyone has a good rest of the summer! The next couple of weeks are going to be exciting for me with all the family coming to visit for Cynthia's wedding. :)

Coming Soon: "The Dark Knight" Themes


Kerstin said...

I am excited to see you too! You make me laugh. As much as Twilight irritates me, I will probably see the movie.

BDN said...

The only way I am seeing the movie is if I see it for free. ;)

No way am I donating money to the Twilight cause. It CAN'T beat the Dark Knight, nor be anywhere near it!!! Hahaha.

Kerstin said...

I doubt it will beat the Dark Knight don't you worry. I guess I feel the same way about the Dark Knight as I do Twilight, I don't see what the big deal is about either. It seems to me that alot of people are going to see the Dark Knight because Heath Ledger died (I know you didn't see it for this reason). Oh well if they mad a The Office movie I'd probably be the same as you are with the Dark Knight. I just am not really that into movies, the only reason I might see Twilinght when it comes out is because people in my ward might invite me and I think it would be fun to hang out with the ladie in my ward. Anyway I am just rambling. But you are right there are a lot of girls/ women that are going crazy over these books and movies and I just have to roll my eyes at them, I mean have they ever read a well written book? Cause I am pretty sure if they had they would not be so impressed with Twilight.

BDN said...

Actually--it's true. A lot of girls that have been there at my showings only went to see the movie because it was Heath's last movie.

And THEN more people are coming because Heath did such a good job as the Joker, so they want to see the movie. So alas! More people are actually coming to see The Joker and Heath Ledger. But I am fine with that because we need as much money as we can get so that we can beat da Titanic record! HAHA.

Twilight is not good. TAB told me it was awesome (haha), but then I tried reading it and it was a crust of poop.

Kerstin said...

hahaha TAB must be a girl because the Twlight books are not boy books AT ALL. All I had to tell Jared was that the vampires sparkle in the sun and he decided that they were dumb. But I am a girl and I read them and they are OK, but they are not nearly as good as everyone makes them out to be and because of that it kind of makes me not like them, but there are are other things in the books that make me not like them too, but I kinda like them so I will probably read the next book, but I sure as heck won't be at the store at midnight buying it, in fact I won''t be buying it period that is what Sis. Baker, in my ward is for. All I have to say is long live Harry Potter!:)

Anonymous said...

You did not just diss Twilight? I know the movie wont live up to the Dark Knight, but it is a darn good book. I am disappointed you would diss twilight. Tear

BDN said...

I tried reading it, and it bore me to death. A)I hate the Romance and B)There's not enough adventure.