Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Hauntingly Beautiful Walk Home

Wow. I left El Pollo Loco around 10:50 PM, and just got home about twenty minutes ago. I am tired, and will probably fall asleep as soon as I get in my bed; Matthew isn't home from work yet to keep me awake. But that's probably a good thing, because I need some sleep before church tomorrow.

But alas, what a beautiful night! It was sweet walking home with the moon-light shining down on the dark streets. And what made it even cooler was the lightning that kept flashing in the distance. I could also hear the crickets in between the songs on my Mp3 player, and that was a sweet effect.

While I walked, I listened to DMB's "Before These Crowded Streets" album. Wow. It fit the dark setting perfectly, and it was actually kinda haunting/frightning listening to that music while walking home. But I thoroughly enjoyed it; it was good to actually not be surrounded by people for once and to just walk, listen to my music, and fall into some deep thought. It was pretty sweet

With that said: I have some sleeping to do and what not; I just wanted to let everyone know I made it home safely. For those of you who were wondering, I mean. ;)


Anonymous said...

i'm not sure if you're talking about me or your sister who wanted you to be safe but i'm glad haha

eBN said...

he was probably talking about me =) I was SOOOOO worried!

Kerstin said...

hahaha Brent, I am glad you got home safe,I actually was up at 3 in the morning but in my state of tiredness I forgot that you were walking home, so I didn't call. I am glad you enjoyed your walk home.

BDN said...

Yeah, it was tight!! But now my feet hurt more than usual, and I am kind of sore. Haha. But other than that...It was worth it. I am getting pretty fat! ;)